New resources for patient partnership work As Lead of OSSU’s research initiative, the Public and Patient Engagement Collaborative (PPEC) and a professor in the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact at McMaster University, Dr, Julia Abelson has been…
Nouvelles ressources pour le travail en partenariat avec les patients Dirigeante de l’initiative de recherche Collectif pour l’engagement du public et des patients de l’USSO et professeure au Département de méthodologie, données et impact de la recherche en santé de…
Equity is a key focus for researchers in the OSSU network, with two major tools launched this fall to advance health equity. To help people disadvantaged because of racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination, Dr. Nav Persaud co-led, with…
L’équité est une thématique centrale pour les chercheurs du réseau de l’USSO, qui, cet automne, ont lancé deux outils importants pour faire progresser l’équité en santé. Pour aider les personnes défavorisées à cause du racisme, du sexisme ou d’autres formes…
From patient engagement sessions to showcasing OSSU IMPACT Award expansion in Ontario, OSSU’s Research Day was a major success. For Dr. Dean Fergusson, Scientific Lead at OSSU, the stand out highlight was the opportunity to see people in person. “It…
Des séances d’engagement des patients à la présentation de l’élargissement des subventions IMPACT de l’USSO en Ontario, la Journée scientifique de l’USSO a été un franc succès. Pour le Dr Dean Fergusson, directeur scientifique de l’USSO, le clou de l’événement…
The Partnership Capacity Building Fund (PCBF) is intended to encourage and support graduate students to meaningfully engage and partner with patients (people with lived experience, caregivers and community representatives) as part of their Master’s thesis, placement and/or capstone projects, or…
Join us for a webinar on barriers to patient partnership and equity in health research Thursday, November 23 at 12:00 pm noon (eastern time) This webinar features: Moderator for this webinar is: Following the panel discussion, participants will be able…
In our current health system climate in Ontario, patient-oriented research is more important than ever in informing practice and policy. Collaboration with and orienting research to patient engagement affects the implementation of changes in the health services, health policy, and…
What is the most pressing issue for primary care not just in Ontario but across the country? “What’s most exciting to me is the challenge of managing the 6.5 million unattached patients in Canada – that’s not going away,” says…