To help researchers prepare and conduct patient-oriented research, OSSU’s network offers the following tools and resources:
OSSU investments have improved equitable access to health administrative/clinical data sets for researchers, students, policy-makers and other SPOR stakeholders, located anywhere in Ontario, as well as other provinces. These data platforms and services can also provide data linkage and analysis services that can offer the support of POR health research and evidence-informed policies and practices.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering these services:
- Applied Health Research Centre
- Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
- Clinical Trials Ontario
- Health System Performance Network – Institute for Better Health
- INSPIRE – Primary Health Care
- McMaster Collaborative for Health and Aging
- Ontario Brain Institute
- Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
- Ottawa Methods Centre
OSSU’s network of research centres and initiatives offer a range of specialized consultation services and supports to help Ontario researchers, students and other knowledge users design and develop complex health research methodologies for different types of research. These methods experts also provide training, mentoring and other activities to help Ontario researchers design, conduct and publish high-quality patient-oriented research.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering methods services:
- Applied Health Research Centre
- Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
- Health System Performance Network – Institute for Better Health
- INSPIRE – Primary Health Care
- Knowledge Translation Program
- McMaster Collaborative for Health and Aging
- McMaster Health Forum
- Ontario Child Health SUPPORT Unit
- Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
- Ottawa Methods Centre
Ontario is home to many internationally respected health researchers and one of the largest and most comprehensive health research programs in the country. OSSU research centres can provide researchers, students and other knowledge users with expert consultation and resources to plan and conduct clinical research that includes “real world” data sources (EMRs, socioeconomic data, etc.) and approaches. The centres can also provide direct services and resources to support clinical research projects (project management and coordination: data capture, management and analysis; safety monitoring; etc.).
OSSU Research Centres offering clinical trials and population health services:
To improve Ontario’s health system, we need to develop capacity for the conduct and use of patient-oriented research. OSSU and its research centres and initiatives support opportunities for trainees to work on and learn from patient-oriented research projects and initiatives. Some also provide specialized training and career development courses for researchers, trainees, patients, caregivers, care providers and policy/decision makers, to prepare them to compete on the international health research stage with the goal of improving the health of Ontarians.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering career development:
- Applied Health Research Centre
- Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
- Health System Performance Network – Institute for Better Health
- INSPIRE – Primary Health Care
- Knowledge Translation Program
- McMaster Collaborative for Health and Aging
- McMaster Health Forum
- Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
- Ottawa Methods Centre
- Fairness is Excellence Initiative
- First Nations Research and Data Management Initiative
- Indigenous (Inuit/Métis) Initiative
- Mental Health and Addictions Research Initiative
- Ontario Francophone Communities Research Initiative
- Public and Patient Engagement Initiative
- Training and Capacity Building Initiative
How do you incorporate patient engagement in a research project? Patient engagement occurs when patients meaningfully and actively collaborate in the governance, priority-setting, and conduct of research, as well as in summarizing, sharing, and applying research results. OSSU’s centres and initiatives offer consultation, training, and resources in patient partnership for health and health services research.
Researchers at the following OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives can advise on a range of approaches to involve patients:
- Applied Health Research Centre
- Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
- Clinical Trials Ontario
- Health System Performance Network – Institute for Better Health
- INSPIRE – Primary Health Care
- Knowledge Translation Program
- McMaster Collaborative for Health and Aging
- McMaster Health Forum
- Ontario Brain Institute
- Ontario Child Health SUPPORT Unit
- Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
- Ottawa Methods Centre
OSSU’s research centres and initiatives provide consultation services across the clinical research spectrum. On a contract basis, they can provide direct services and resources to support clinical research projects, such as: project management and coordination; data capture, management and analysis; and safety monitoring.
For more details on which centre or initiative may best suit your consultation needs, please contact the OSSU Coordinating Centre or contact them directly.
- Applied Health Research Centre
- Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research
- Clinical Trials Ontario
- Health System Performance Network – Institute for Better Health
- INSPIRE – Primary Health Care
- Knowledge Translation Program
- McMaster Collaborative for Health and Aging
- Ontario Child Health SUPPORT Unit
- Ontario Drug Policy Research Network
- Ottawa Methods Centre
- Sex and Gender Plus Research Support
The pandemic has highlighted the vital role and need of an evidenced based learning health system to address a range of pressing health and social issues. OSSU’s research centres and initiatives can provide researchers, students, policy-makers and other SPOR stakeholders with learning health system support and leadership.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering these services:
Crucial to improving patient care and outcomes, as well as health system performance and sustainability, is the translation and mobilization of new knowledge to people who can make the most use of it – policy-makers, health system planners and front-line practitioners.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering researchers, students, policy-makers and other SPOR stakeholders with knowledge mobilization (KT, integrated and end-of-grant synthesis) and implementation science expertise, support and leadership:
OSSU’s research centres and initiatives can provide specific consultation, training and resources in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) principles for patient-oriented research. This includes ensuring culturally safe environments for communities experiencing discrimination throughout the health sector including research, training, education, and care.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering these services:
OSSU’s research centres and initiatives provide specific consultation, training and resources in sex and gender-based research design, methods, analysis, interpretation, and/or dissemination of patient-oriented research findings.
OSSU Research Centres and Initiatives offering these services: