Policy-makers Resources

McMaster Health Forum/Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis

McMaster has a number of resources designed to help policy-makers partner fully in health research:

10 things you need to know about how Ontario’s health system works

INTERMEDIATE LEVEL: Some experience with patient-oriented research

This webinar features a discussion by Drs. John Lavis and Vasanthi Srinivasan on the book. Click here to view the webinar.

More information is available on the Learn How section of the McMaster Health Forum website.

Ontario’s Health System: Key Insights for Engaged Citizens, Professionals and Policy-makers

BEGINNER LEVEL: New to Patient-Oriented Research

Online line book about Ontario’s health care system. Click here to view sample chapters from the book.

OSSU Capacity Building Compendium

The Capacity Building Compendium is a comprehensive catalogue of training courses on patient-oriented research offered  in Ontario. This second edition contains 40 entries, including free online resources and tools, seminars and symposia series, and training programs.

Virtual Masterclass

Click here to find more resources for Policy-makers and Managers

Additional Patient-Engagement Resources


