NewsCategory: Past Events

OSSU CMAJ Supplement Released!!!!!

The Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) is pleased to announce the publication of the OSSU Supplement in the Canadian Medical Association Journal today. The Supplement features in-the-trenches experiences, tips and challenges from 17 OSSU IMPACT projects. It is a resource…

Two New POR Webinars

The Saskatchewan Centre for Patient-Oriented Research and the University of Saskatchewan are offering two webinars of interest to researchers working in Patient-Oriented Research. Research Data Management and the Tri-Agency: How Portage is Helping Institutions and Researchers Succeed June 12, 2018,…

Patient Engagement in Research Training Series

The Ottawa Methods Centre, a research centre under the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit initiative, launched a new training series for researchers on Patient Engagement. These sessions will provide researchers with the “how-to” and basics of undertaking patient-oriented research. Click here…

KT Canada Events in June 2016

KT Canada is hosting two events in June 2016, with the KT Canada Annual Scientific Meeting on June 13-14 at the DoubleTree Hotel on Chestnut St. in Toronto; and KT Canada End of Grant KT Workshop on June 16th at…