Board and Committees


OSSU, a not-for-profit organization, is accountable to a Board of Directors. The following committee provides expert advice and guidance:

Patients are involved in all aspects of OSSU’s work, with active patient representatives on the Board and the Operational Management Team.

Board of Directors

Mr. Frank Gavin
Chair, Board of Directors
Dr. Florence Dzierszinski
Vice Chair, Board of Directors
Mr. Marcel Castonguay
Treasurer, Board of Directors
Ms. Maureen Smith
Secretary, Board of Directors
Cathy Craven
Dr. Cathy Craven
Zahra Ismail
Zahra Ismail
Nikhil Nath
Mr. Nikhil Nath
Dr. J.D. Schwalm
Dr. J.D. Schwalm


Operational Management Team

Dr. Dean Fergusson, Scientific Co-Lead
Dr. Dean Fergusson
Scientific Lead

Four Pillars

Four ‘pillars’ provide expertise in the SUPPORT Unit core-function areas.

  • Learning Health System
  • Data Platforms and Services
  • Capacity Building
  • Patient Partner Advisory Council