Join us for this virtual discussion about patient partner capacity building or how we can develop and improve the skills and abilities of patient partners to support their inclusion in research. Wed, Jan 19, 2022 12:00 PM Eastern The webinar…
Putting patients first has been central to Dr. Moira Stewart’s research ethos. Throughout her 40+ year career as an epidemiologist and research methodologist in family medicine, Dr. Stewart has always focused on patients, and patient engagement. “Patient-oriented research is part…
Faire passer les patients en premier a toujours été au cœur de la philosophie de recherche de la Dre Moira Stewart. Tout au long de sa carrière de plus de 40 ans comme épidémiologiste et méthodologiste de recherche en médecine familiale, elle s’est…
It’s been pretty cool. That’s how Dr. Dean Fergusson describes the Ottawa Method Centre’s (OMC) efforts at breaking down internal barriers to embed patient engagement in research at the Ottawa Hospital. Scientific Lead at OSSU and scientist at the OMC,…
Très bien. C’est en ces termes que le Dr Dean Fergusson parle des efforts du Centre de méthodologie d’Ottawa (CMO) pour abattre les cloisons internes de manière à incorporer l’engagement des patients dans la recherche à l’Hôpital d’Ottawa. Directeur scientifique à…
Graduate students in Ontario interested in drug policy research can do a “deep dive” into the subject, thanks to the Ontario Drug Policy Research Network’s (ODPRN)’s Student Training Program. A year-long program that transitioned to virtual during the pandemic, the…
Les étudiants des cycles supérieurs en Ontario qui s’intéressent à la recherche sur la politique du médicament peuvent s’immerger dans le sujet grâce au Programme de formation pour étudiants du Réseau de recherche sur les politiques ontariennes en matière de…
The OSSU is pleased to promote the launch of two funding opportunities from AMS Healthcare in the area of Compassion and Artificial Intelligence. AMS Healthcare is offering up to 12 one-year fellowships of up to $75,000 to early and mid-career…
The vital role that research evidence and data plays in supporting health system decision making has been amplified in Ontario in the last two years, with the COVID-19 pandemic at the forefront of the health system, and health system restructuring….
The COVID-19 pandemic has ripped open society in myriad ways, exposing glaring inequities that have left many people vulnerable to illness, death and the loss of loved ones. People of colour in particular were hit hard by, and women and…