NewsYearly Archives: 2017

Dr. Simon Hatcher speaking on CBC Ottawa Morning

Dr. Simon Hatcher, University of Ottawa, was on CBC Ottawa Morning today with Robyn Bresnahan, talking about his OSSU IMPACT Award project and the importance of involving patients in research. Click on the link below to hear the interview.

OSSU Update – Summer 2017 (Issue 9)

English and French versions of OSSU’s Summer 2017 newsletter (Issue 9) can be found by clicking on the links below: OSSU Update – Iss9E 2017 Summer OSSU Update – Iss9F 2017 Été

CIHR Health System Impact Fellowships

la version français suit A NEW funding opportunity for PhD graduates (post-docs) who are interested in applying their research and analytic talents to critical challenges faced by health system and related organizations outside of the traditional scholarly setting, and who…