NewsCategory: News

Partenaires dans le savoir

Jouant un rôle utile dans les activités de recherche axée sur le patient de l’USSO, l’Evidence Alliance (Alliance pour les données probantes) de la Stratégie de recherche axée sur le patient (SRAP) est une initiative de recherche pancanadienne dirigée par…

EMPOWER Projects VI RFP Released

The vital role that research evidence and data plays in supporting health system decision making has been amplified in Ontario in the last two years, with the COVID-19 pandemic at the forefront of the health system, and health system restructuring….

Not such a long journey

Perhaps echoing the zeitgeist after more than two years of pandemic restrictions, the travel metaphor runs through Maureen Smith’s description of patient engagement in Ontario. “It’s a journey that we’re on. The first stage was making everyone aware of patient-oriented…

Un voyage qui n’est pas si long

Faisant peut-être écho à l’esprit du temps après plus de deux années de restrictions liées à la pandémie, la métaphore du voyage parcourt la description que fait Maureen Smith de l’engagement des patients en Ontario. « C’est un voyage qu’on poursuit….

Into the future with OSSU’s research initiatives

Health researchers and policy-makers in Ontario are in the fortunate position of having high-quality expertise to draw upon through OSSU’s research centres and its new research initiatives. From equity, diversity and inclusion, sex and gender, francophone engagement, mental health and…

Are You Interested in Health Research?

The Patient Partner Working Group (PPWG) is a group of dedicated patients and caregivers who help guide and provide relevance to the work of the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) and patient-oriented research projects. Click here to see the full…

Looking forward, looking back

A new research culture in Ontario Like a seedling that grows into a tree with a network of roots, patient engagement in research has taken root in Ontario, thanks to OSSU. “The widespread culture of patient-engagement and patient-oriented research wasn’t…

Regarder vers l’avenir, regarder en arrière

Une nouvelle culture de recherche en Ontario Comme un jeune plant qui devient un arbre avec un réseau de racines, l’engagement des patients dans la recherche a pris racine en Ontario, grâce à l’USSO. « La culture généralisée de l’engagement des…

Our patient-oriented research journey

In its patient-oriented research journey, the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) is focused on four pillars to support a strong foundation for patient-partnered health research: Building a Learning Health System, Data Platforms and Services, Capacity-Building and Patient Partnership. Read on…