Looking forward, looking back

A new research culture in Ontario Like a seedling that grows into a tree with a network of roots, patient engagement in research has taken root in Ontario, thanks to OSSU. “The widespread culture of patient-engagement and patient-oriented research wasn’t…

Regarder vers l’avenir, regarder en arrière

Une nouvelle culture de recherche en Ontario Comme un jeune plant qui devient un arbre avec un réseau de racines, l’engagement des patients dans la recherche a pris racine en Ontario, grâce à l’USSO. « La culture généralisée de l’engagement des…

Our patient-oriented research journey

In its patient-oriented research journey, the Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit (OSSU) is focused on four pillars to support a strong foundation for patient-partnered health research: Building a Learning Health System, Data Platforms and Services, Capacity-Building and Patient Partnership. Read on…

Notre parcours de recherche axée sur le patient

Dans son parcours de recherche axée sur le patient, l’Unité de soutien de la SRAP de l’Ontario (USSO) se concentre sur quatre piliers pour doter d’une assise solide la recherche en santé menée en partenariat avec le patient. Ces piliers…

Masterclass on Evidence Products and Processes (EP2)

The Ontario SPOR SUPPORT Unit and McMaster Health Forum have opened the application window for the first offering of the new Masterclass on Evidence Products and Processes (EP2) that Support Rapid Learning and Improvement. If you’re interested in working as…

EMPOWER V Awardees announcement

Five more EMPOWER awards have been injected with OSSU funding to extend the impact of patient-oriented research in Ontario: Partnering with communities for children’s COVID-19 vaccination Empowering patient ambassadors to champion research outcomes that are a priority for people with…

It’s in her DNA

Putting patients first has been central to Dr. Moira Stewart’s research ethos. Throughout her 40+ year career as an epidemiologist and research methodologist in family medicine, Dr. Stewart has always focused on patients, and patient engagement. “Patient-oriented research is part…