Webinar recording: Organizational Approaches to Patient Partnership in Research

On February 20th, 2020, OSSU’s Patient Partners Working Group brought together representatives from Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital (Nadia Tanel and Beth Dangerfield) and L’Hopital Montfort (Denis Prud’homme) to discuss how their organizations had embedded patient partnership in research beyond the level of individual projects. The recorded webinar is now available to watch.

In this webinar, the two groups discuss their approaches, challenges and impacts as well as answering questions from webinar participants.
This webinar builds on the work commissioned by the Patient Partners Working Group in 2019 on cataloguing organizations in Ontario that have embedded patient partnership in research (https://ossu.ca/2020/02/organizationa…) – a first take on understanding which organizations in Ontario have made patient partnership in research an institutional priority and how. The catalogue is not exhaustive and is anticipated to be added to over time.