Dr. Clare Liddy (INSPIRE-PHC investigator) and Dr. Erin Keely will lead the Ontario eConsult Centre of Excellence
Dr. Clare Liddy and co-lead Dr. Erin Keely received funding from the MOHLTC to establish the Ontario eConsult Centre of Excellence. They will lead the provincial implementation of a blended eConsult service –bringing together Champlain BASETM eConsult with the OTN direct to specialist eConsult (Ontario eConsult program). Over the next two years, they will work with regions to establish regional managed eConsult service in addition to a full slate of specialty services for the whole province. The OSSU, through the INSPIRE-PHC Program, aided in supporting the research that led to this exciting, integrated service. A great example of primary and specialty care working together to benefit the patient.
For more information please email eConsultCOE@toh.ca
Contact information for leads:
Dr. Clare Liddy, Co-Executive Director, cliddy@bruyere.org
Dr. Erin Keely, Co-Executive Director, ekeely@toh.ca