Call for Poster Presentations
The Chiefs of Ontario (COO), in partnership with the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Services (ICES) and Centre for Rural and Northern Health Research (CRaNHR), is pleased to issue a call for poster presentations for a symposium entitled: Developing a Community-Driven First Nations Health Research Agenda in Ontario: “Learning from the experiences of using data to empower communities”, to be held on February 22, 2016 at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto.
The one day symposium will include outstanding keynote presentations, interactive breakout discussion sessions and invited poster presentations on a variety of topics. The aim of the symposium is to create a place for collaboration and exchange of ideas – cultivating the conditions for excellence in Indigenous population health and patient/community oriented health research and to advance discussion around an Ontario First Nations health research agenda.
Further details about the symposium and poster presentations can be found here. The submission deadline is December 11, 2015.