Care in the Community and at Home Improving access to Francophone community services
Simone Dahrouge, Bruyère Research Institute, University of Ottawa
Navigation implementation and support to optimize access to appropriate community services for Francophones living in minority situations
In Ontario, Francophones live as minorities within a
largely Anglophone context. Language and other social characteristics of that
population create barriers to accessing community-based services that help
address social needs and help people to achieve health goals.
This project will implement and evaluate the use of
a community navigator (Navigator) to help Francophones living in minority
situations adequately access community services to address their health and
social priorities. The Navigator, a trained peer Francophone volunteer, will
use navigation resources in Ontario (Ontario211 and Champlain Health Line) to
identify Francophone resources that can respond to Franco-Ontarians needs. The
Navigator will also support Franco-Ontarians to overcome barriers and to best
use these services. Resources offered in French will be prioritized.
Implementation of this Francophone Navigator model
will focus on readiness to change, facilitators and barriers that impede its
process. Evaluation will include assessment of the benefit of the Navigator on
the experience of Franco-Ontarians accessing community services and will
identify gaps in resources available in French required to meet the needs of
the Francophones.
Patient engagement
The research team used preliminary interviews and
focus groups with patients and other stakeholders to better understand barriers
to primary and community health care to help shape this research program.
The project also has a Stakeholder Consultation
Group which includes patient partners.